Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2 months and counting!

This little man officially turned 2 months old!!! 

I never got his "official" 1 month pictures, because that's when I happened to be in the hospital.  But, I think we have plenty of others to make up for it. 

Unfortunately he is not feeling 100% right now because of a crummy cold/sinus thing that he has.  Poor guy just wants to snuggle up on my shoulder and sleep all the time and HATES getting those horrible nose drops.  Other than that he is doing great and growing like crazy.  He is sleeping up to 4.5 hrs a stretch at night now...and we are anxiously waiting for it to be longer (update - he actually slept 5.5 hrs last night!!!).  He has also stopped being swaddled and is sleeping in footed pj's (which are toooo stinkin' cute!)  He likes to sleep with his arms above his head and is taking naps in his big boy bed. 


He is starting to wake up less demanding...guess he noticed we hadn't let him starve yet!  Eating well and we are officially all natural breastfeeding.   Lee still feeds him a bottle at 5 am, if the timing (from our night feeding) works out in the morning and sometimes one in the evening.  

what it typically looks like after dinner

His new smiles are intoxicating!!!  They make my job (and the sleepless nights) so worth it.  He has started cooing and making noises towards things that he likes.

   His favorite thing right now is a picture that my friend, Jean, gave us.  It is sitting on top of the dresser next to where I change him.  He absolutely LOVES it!  He smiles and talks to it the whole time he is up there.  

We have his 2 month appointment with multiple shots next Monday - ugh, tough for mommy!  Just a few more I thought you might enjoy seeing:

Happy Boy!

Nap time.  This was taken this morning...trying to let him sleep at an angle because of his congestion.

Funny Faces

Our 6-week doctor visit

Random napping

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