Tuesday, August 7, 2012

It's that time of year again

It's that time of year again!

It's been 3 years!!  I cannot believe that I have been sooo incredibly blessed.  To be honest, I didn't have any idea that it could be this good.  I don't think I realized on August 8, 2009, the depth of the man that he was.  I do know, today, that I probably have not witnessed all of him at this point, but I can say, that I never cease to be amazed!  He challenges me to be a better person and encourages me without fail.  He is truly a man of character and works extremely hard to support our growing little family.  We have only had 3 years, but I feel like we have lived so much life in that time!  We have enjoyed our first several years of marriage, dreamed about our future, had our first son, are due with the second in less than 4 months and talk about growing old.  Life is never dull around here and I cannot wait to make more memories with this man!

Gary Lee Burton IV, thank you for asking me to be your wife! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I had a camera once...

and I really, really loved it!  I mean her.  I mean it.  I tried to be appreciative and grateful of it's abilities and efforts in working so well and so hard for me for all these years.  She was our first big purchase together...Lee and I were not yet married.  Nonetheless, she has captured so many wonderful memories of ours over the past few years.  I really miss her.  She...yes, she, was a valued part of our family and went EVERYWHERE with us!  I realize that she is not as big and fancy as some...and some may say just a little point and shoot, but she NEVER let us down.  She captured so many of our memories beautifully and I pray that she finds her way home and into my arms soon.  Our holidays and family memories will never be the same without her.

Where, oh where did you go on November 24th, after capturing so many wonderful memories of our first Thanksgiving here?  We love you and miss you and home you come home soon.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bundling Up!

I woke up around 3:00 am last night to the sound of sporadic rain drops pelting the window by my bed with quite force and gusts of wind blowing the tree outside the house so that the limbs were hitting the roof.  Our first cold front of the season has arrived!  Gage and I both slept in a little late and as soon as he finished breakfast, we both bundled up to go and feed horses.  I HAD to, of course, take a bunch of pictures of the first time he had a jacket, hat and gloves on!  I may have overdone it a little, seeing that he only went from the house to the truck and back, but we are now prepared and have the routine down for our next outdoor adventure in the cold!!!

Our happy boy!

Our sweet little ham

This is the "I'm not so amused" face

Heading out to help mom feed the ponies!